Attached/linked please find And That’s The Week That Was, the Brounes & Associates market/economic commentary for the week ended June 13 2008.  At least Friday the 13th did not turn out to be nearly as frightening for the markets as Friday June 6th.  With oil trading safely within a range this week (a relatively wide range, that is), investors did not have to cope with those huge market gyrations that have been experienced as of late.  Lehman again highlighted the news from the financial sector (a trend that should continue for a while) as “doom and gloomers” predict the worst for the investment giant.  (Surely a few key layoffs had to help?)  On the transaction front, while Yahoo broke off its courtship with Microsoft and instead turned to Google, Anheuser Busch also looked for a more appropriate suitor than the one who has been calling.   And, with each piece of news, the politicians look for more pandering opportunities. 

Coming up this week:  Housing Starts (Tuesday), PPI (Tuesday), Industrial Production (Tuesday), Leading Economic Indicators (Thursday)

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